Transition from RED I to RED II

As you may be aware, 2BS is currently in the recognition process by the European Commission as a voluntary scheme for the Directive RED II (Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001). We wish to update our customers regarding to the current stage of this transition between RED I and RED II and to share with you the possible evolutions expected in the coming weeks.


Indeed, the European Commission has confirmed that the date of the transposition of the RED II will be 30th June 2021 as provided in the Directive RED II. Therefore, the European Commission expects that the voluntary schemes will apply RED II rules as of 1st July 1, 2021. This means that the audits of the economic operators will be conducted according to the requirements of the RED II from that date. The certificates granted to biofuels, bioliquids, gaseous and biomass fuels have to apply RED II requirements.


Please note that 2BS certificates issued prior to 1st July 2021, will remain valid until the next follow up audit. Although no immediate re-certification audits of the economic operators are needed, the European Commission requires that as of 1st July 2021 “all certified economic operators have to comply with the sustainability and greenhouse gas saving criteria requirements of the RED II”. At the beginning of the operation of the scheme, as a one-time measure, all raw materials and fuels in stock that have been certified as sustainable under a voluntary or national scheme recognised by the Commission under Directive 2009/28/EC may be considered as sustainable and as providing accurate information about the greenhouse gas emissions under recast Renewable Energy Directive (Directive (EU) 2018/2001).


You will find on the website of 2BS (link, then select, “RED II Pillar – documents and procedures as submitted to the European Commission) all documents as submitted to the European Commission. Although these documents have not yet been fully validated, they will provide a substantial idea of the evolutions expected, but in any case, they need to be considered as provisional. We are preparing a comprehensive summary of the changes and the implications expected for the economic operators. Please note that at this stage, only the English version of the documents is available. We will provide a French version whenever the final version of the documents has been validated by the European Commission.


We apologize for the inconvenience of the situation. Indeed, 2BS and the other voluntary schemes, have respected a strict calendar imposed by the European Commission. The deadline of 30th June 2021 could not be postponed by the European Commission, as it is laid down in the Directive. Besides please note that all implementing acts have not yet been published.

2BS is committed to act as transparent as possible and will provide the information as soon as available.